Looking to Post on Ocala4sale.com? Register with us!
To post ads on Ocala4sale.com click the white button in the upper right-hand corner that reads “Register” or just click here and provide your email address and zip code. After you provide the needed information, a password will be emailed to you automatically. If you do not see an email from us in your inbox, please be sure to check your spam folder as well.
How Do I Log Into My Account on Ocala4sale?
To log into your Ocala4sale.com account click the blue “Login” button at the top of any page and provide your email address and password. If you do not know your password please follow the instructions below. Here’s a direct link: https://ocala4sale.com/login
I Forgot My Password? How Do I Log in?
Forgot your password? No problem! To reset your password visit https://ocala4sale.com/password-recovery/ and enter your e-mail address to get a new password emailed to you automatically. If you do not see an email from us in your inbox, please be sure to check your spam folder as well.
How Do I Edit, Cancel or Renew My Classified Ad on Ocala4sale?
To make any kind of changes to your ad, click the white “My Dashboard” button in the upper right corner of the website or click here: https://ocala4sale.com/dashboard/. In the dashboard, you’ll find your active, pending, expired, or sold listings. You have the options to Edit, Delete, Pause or mark Sold active listings. To find these on desktop, click the ‘+’ sign at the end of the listings column to open the options for the ad. In mobile, the options will appear under your ad. When you Pause an item, it is maintained as a draft listing you can use later. You may wish to mark an item as “Sold” if you are likely to have similar items for sale in the future.
What Picture Size is Best?
In order to get the best results in our classifieds, these are the specifications we recommend for images:
- Landscape (not portrait) orientation, hold your phone sideways while taking photos
- An aspect ratio of 4:3 (the most common aspect ratio used by digital cameras and can be changed within phone camera settings)
- Image dimensions at least 1200 pixels wide
- Maximum file size of about 2MB
Most images are fine right out of your camera (so long as the image is composed horizontally (landscape). Images in portrait or vertical orientation will generally be cropped in a way that is not ideal. There are several free photo editors online that can be used to edit and enhance your photos, along with the paint program pre-loaded on most Windows computers. A good free program for photo editing offered by Google is: https://photos.google.com/
How Can I Change Photos on My Listing?
You can log into your dashboard and change the photos on your listing at any time by clicking on the options button that says “Edit Ad” and has a “pencil” (edit) icon in front of it. The first photo you upload will be the thumbnail/main photo of the ad by default, but you can change which photo appears first by selecting it as “Set as a Thumbnail Image” when it’s uploaded.