TRAILER - UTILITY 4 x 8 - $700 obo | Ocala4Sale | Buy & Sell in Ocala, FL TRAILER - UTILITY 4 x 8 - $700 obo | Ocala4Sale | Buy & Sell in Ocala, FL

This is a small but HANDY UTILITY TRAILER with EXP METAL SIDES, FRONT, LONG GATE – but small enough to keep in your garage, 4′ x 8′ with Angle Iron Corner Mount for whatever. New lighting, DOING HUBS NOW at The Trailer Doc & Fab Shop so IT WILL BE READY ASAP with all new BEARINGS ASAP. FULL EXPANDED METAL Floor, WHEEL JACK, Small Sare Included – AS IS, we can MODIFY, ADD ON or do more but then we’d charge more, you can put on new tires, paint, READY TO WORK FOR YOU!

Zip/Postal Code34479
Street6985 Cherry Pass

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